
Showing posts from October, 2021


 I’m finally back at school. It was a weird day, none the less pretty eventful as well. A lot of people welcomed me back and i felt appreciated. In class we went over chapter 6 and have different topics to speak on, mine was connecter. I don’t think i feel a connection but i’ll keep looking you know. 


 I was sick again today. Not much to look forward to not much done. I had headshots to be taken today but couldn’t. Never the less i think i might take a walk and review some things. I’m trying as well to get back with doing my blogs. Have a good night ! 


 I wasn’t at school. I didn’t do much I wasn’t at school yesterday either. I’m sick, hopefully I return to school tomorrow. Other than that i helped my sister get a costume together for her school and my mom gave me peach cobbler. 


 Today  we read A mega- transect of California along the PCT. 


 Today welled over our blogs. Well we did a bit more than that some looked over their essay with our teacher others worked on makeup blog work and the rest read the book. I did some make up blog work, obviously lol. For the prompts we had 21 options and we chose 6. I think that was pretty good because some of those prompts helped refresh my memory from a lot of stuff that happened. Today wasn’t too bad of a day anyways hopefully I’ll update after Fall Break :). 

Write about when you knew you were in trouble

 This day at school it decided to rain. It was just a regular drizzle the school was starting to flood, not that it mattered it was only a part of it, so parents weren’t concerned we still needed to learn apparently. The middle of the day is here and there my classmates are, running haywire outside in the water, daring each other because snakes and all these animals could be in the water it was “battle of the fittest” in a sense i guess. Anyways it’s the end of the day and I want to do what they’re doing long story short i was tempted and jumped in and started walking around my uniform was drenched from my waist down. I knew i was in trouble but how bad could it be, my dad comes and sees me he says nothing but gives me a side eye and drives to the office. I get there and my mom brought me a new set of clothes from the mall, I was happy that’s all I remember besides all I got was maybe a yelling and stern talking at most I would’ve remembered id it was anything else…

Write about something you have too much of

 I have too much of observation skills. I can still be oblivious but at times ignorance is bliss. I look at someone and i analyse their entire being and what they’re doing at that time and what led them to walk by me. I would think for hours, just lying in the floor thinking. Trapped in my thoughts isn’t something I like which is why I avoid sleep but at the same time it is an escape, because then I hear no other nonsensical comments. Either way it can ruin surprises because you’re thinking a lot and always observing even when you can’t help it. 

Write about something/someone being born

 The day my sister was born was a weird day. I have several siblings but this one was different it was always me and mom then this one came. I wasn’t mad I wanted a sibling, she was like a light. I saw her and was creeped out by the different colors and weird sounds. She was like a bug or alien but i was still amazed that she was created by my mom and that I now have a sister after contacting her for months through skin. I sat down and held her and song her a song I made up on the spot because i felt like it would’ve made mr mom happy to have something like that to remember. 

Write about someone you forgot

 I think it was play school I don’t know. We met when we were really young, inseparable, we’d spend days and nights together. Our teacher would record us doing stuff together liek the day of her birthday, cakes were bought small ones all of our classmates got them but it came down to me, hers was finished or was it mine..either way I stuck my finger into the cupcake she had to get to the filling that was at the center of it just to taunt her, she want happy about that she was going to tell teacher but instead I told her do the same so it’d be fair. Then we eventually stuck to one cupcake and did the same action over and over again it turned frons never  to laughter and our parents came and saw us everyone was laughing and our teaching was recording it on my moms cam, its been about 11 years I remember that specific moment but not a single thing else, her face nor our last interaction. 

Write about having no fun at all

 Most of earlier years were filled with nothing but studying for exams and tests. In my culture or more so where i’m from all you aspire to do is be at the top of the charts, one might think isn’t that everyone, well it’s different we have tests that rate your score in the country and that is a very big deal, my grandmother happen to be a teacher. Being the child/ grandchild of a teacher who is well known in the country for teaching too students is pressuring. I grew up around the students who got first and second they were both my friends obviously because that’s all I can surround myself with. My childhood was all study no play because the kids outside weren’t smart enough to hang out with and i should’ve been revising my exam books, days started at 5 and ended at 8:30 however it was pushed further if i had to study. This started when i was 6. It’s surprising to see different school systems, although i’ve only seen 10. 

Write about a time when you’d dressed inappropriately for an occasion

 I was going to church with my grandma. Typically I would take clothes with me to school to change after so i can go to church. The day before I’d witnessed my crush at that time talking to a girl with a skirt and t-shirt. I went home that day and took out the only skirt I had, it was about 1 or 2 years old, I preferred pants anyway it didn’t matter to me, I just wanted to look like her. The day of I have my clothes on but this was around the time I was really young so I was growing a lot, the skirt was wayyyy above my knees and the shirt was basically longer than the skirt. Anyway I got attention but not the one I wanted. (partially fictional)