
Showing posts from March, 2022


 I did the basic cpr things we’ve been learning from the start of the week and signed up for my card for cpr identification. i had a panic attack in second period and my dad picked me up. We had a nice ride home where we talked and he helped me out a lot in greater ik for my parents. After i ate the food he bought my mom told me some stuff then I went for a nap. I guess i did some shopping as one does, but i’m preparing for ramadan. 




 This morning was alright. First period I started the path for cpr certification and it was fun to learn and hear about all the things we could do to save somebody etc. In second period I was just on my phone I didn’t do much. In third period we did notes but not the regular kind, just video notes. In fourth period we learned to strengthen our claim with evidence using the Chris Rock and Will Smith situation. Couldn’t care less about what kind of day it was. 


 Today I was asleep for most of the time. I slept with my sister until about 9. I was contemplating going to school, I really wanted too but I was tired and it was after 3 when I went to sleep. I’m probably going to focus on doing some kind of work today , hopefully get better over all. Plus I’m sure I’ll have my phone fixed soon. 


 I didn’t sleep as much as I did yesterday. I did a test review and missed a test today. The worst parts of staying out of school is staying home and hanging to make up work. I ate a lot of scraps throughout the day not really a full meal but whatever. I was helping my mom as usual and now I’m probably going to go to sleep. 


 Today I didn’t do anything. I was really sick and despite all that my mom still made me do stuff around the house. I ate later on in the day when my bf forced me too. I think because I didn’t rest I got worse and now I feel pretty bad health wise. I had Chinese for dinner. 


 In first period we talked about the work from yesterday, that I didn't do. To be honest I didn't do it because I didn't know we had to do any work, I was busy stressing over things, LAUGH OUT LOUD. It's the fact that I wasn't even hurt per say, I was laughing hysterically actually, but you know, you find what you look for. Let's talk about prom i have quite vibrant ideas for my senior prom I didn't think about talking to the person I'm going with about the colors but it's fine, I'm sure we'll pull it off somehow. For my dress I'll probably have gloves I'm not sure maybe satin or silk, It's pretty simple, I'm sure it'll look cute and elegant even though mom says I'm doing the most for a prom that isn't mine. On another note in second period we did desmos, most of it was spent daydreaming considering the fact that I don't have my phone, I also did all my work for third period and completely forgot my work for th


 Today was an alright day. In first period my teacher wasn’t here so we went to the rotc room. In second period I had a test that I’m sure I got at least a 50 on. In third it was regular I slept through most of it though. In fourth we read through some prompts and a chapter in the book. 


 In first period we didn’t really do anything....actually we learned about fire extinguishers and how to practice fire safety. In second period we did our work from the previous day, and learned about the names of different functions. Third period we took a quiz but it was open book I’m pretty sure I did ok not a 100% because I was tired, I might stay home tomorrow. I’m just really tired. In fourth period we did more notes on the book were reading including lean wing about Logical Fallacies. We learned about Hasty Generalization, Slipper Slope and talked about certain current events like Kanye and Kim, Ukraine and Russia etc etc. 


 Today was an okay day. I went through the day rather fast, in first period we finished a book we’d were reading about child abuse it was the third worst case in California I’m not sure about it at this time. That story unsettles ,e and I wish I never read it, it’s insensitive that I even had to read that. In second period we I’d some radicals, cutting and pasting pretty simple stuff. I’m third I think it was a rather easy day as well, we just took some notes and washed a videos about the 70s. In fourth we did quite a bit it spiraled into conversations about different topics honestly I just think this is teaching us how to manipulate better, but hey man if that’s what get us the grade. 


 Today was a pretty easy day, most of the day went smoothly normally my entire body is freezing cold from the fact that it’s freezing outside, I don’t dress warm and I have anemia but my top half was rather toasty. In first period we had a guest speaker who spoke up about her life before fortune the typical rags to riches story but it was intriguing. She was there to brief us on how her daycare facilities work and what she expects of us if we volunteer there. I’m second period we did some math work that I actually understood and didn’t sleep through while casually waking up and guessing the answers. It’s a hassle these days since my phone is broken. In third period we didn’t have any notes I was so happy to find out we didn’t have any notes to work on but just little things. In fourth I slept a little not because the class was boring but because I was tired from going to sleep late, the conversation was pretty interesting actually. I tend to have the best conversations or experience th


The presentation that I did was pretty good. I feel like we had our facts and experiences together. We collectively had our evidence and experiences to back up our claims. However I myself could’ve done better with keeping up with speaking back to back, I lacked in having my notes prepared and I take responsibility for that. However the group as a whole could’ve covered each other instead of saying who did and didn’t do what.  


It wasn’t a bad day I spent it doing and finishing off my work. I’m first period we did an article reading and a quiz about the article after summarizing it. In second we copied notes in preparation for an assignment we’re gonna do on Monday. In third period we took a quiz on the states in the map and did the regular things we do in class on a regular day. In fourth period we watched the presentations of our classmates and went into conversation about their topics. 


 Today i skipped first period and went to the bathroom because I couldn’t handle crying in a class and people asking me questions. In second period I finished off a math assignment with my partner and we cheated the whole way but it’s cool no big deal, doesn’t matter anyway. I slept in third because I did the work while I was in the stall and I was drained so I just took a nap. In fourth we finished off our project but I couldn’t really do it because I didn’t have my chrome book. Today was a bad day. 


 First period I finished my certificate in early childhood education. In second period, I did some fraction work but it included equations in it. In third we did a review of black activists and answered the questions as if we were them. In fourth we started a new project about current events, I think our topic is pretty nice to learn about. Today wasn’t a bad day. 


 Today was an easy day. It took a lot to get out of bed but i don’t know. In first period we did a certification for children that would allow us to be able to work and volunteer in daycares. In second period we did an annoying assignment i didn’t pay attention to be honest. In third we did an assignment for black history money where we answered questions about the person we got and pretended to be them. In fourth we discussed about different topics which was engaging it was like having a conversation, sine we’re debates. 


 Today was fine. I got up pretty early and cleaned my room I didn’t get to do as much as I wanted to so I fixed that this morning. Despite the fact that I got on the bus on time I was still late to getting myself ready per say. I felt empowered today because I saw a friend who owns a swimsuit business and that pushed me to do better for myself. I’m working on bettering myself through times you know. 


Redo.  My blog keeps acting up but oh well. Yesterday I needed a break so my mom let me stay home. We went to Kroger’s and then did some shopping I found some pretty good pieces. I would’ve woke them today but I didn’t do laundry. I felt really good yesterday I took a really good sleep after I showered. I was really refreshed I didn’t focus on any work and I saw my boyfriend after school, It was a pretty good day🧚. 


 Today was okay. I got up kinda early and I almost missed my bus lol but it’s okay. In first period we had an easy grade we took some pictures of class. In second period we learned something i don’t know though i barely pay attention in there and we did tic tac toe. In third it was the regular day but we had a really heart felt conversation and In fourth we continued analyzing book and answered some questions about it.