
Showing posts from January, 2022


 Today i returned to school. I missed about two weeks it was a really long day. I’ve been thriving off of3 hours of sleep i’m ready to go to bed i haven’t properly processed anything today but i think tomorrow will be better. In class we did some analogy and allusion work i didn’t finish but i think i did pretty well  


Today I went to the doctor. Didn’t do much as there isn’t much online for me to look at on goggle classroom. 


 I slept all day. I didn’t do anything aside from this morning i had a meeting with Sga


 Still home, i’ve done nothing besides trying to keep up with work and not fall back. I’m trying not to look at my grades right now i’m scared lol. 


 At home doing nothing. I’m on quarantine 


 Wasn’t at school I went to the doctor. 


 I didn’t do anything today besides trying to keep up with all my work. 


 I still have phone problems so my blogs continue to not post. My family is all getting better. I’ve been trying to keep up with my work through friends and google class room posts hopefully by next week i’m back at school. 


 Today i wasn’t at school again and i missed class. It’s really affecting me when i miss school because i know i miss a lot and i hate having to catch up. Everyone is still sick in my house. I try my best to keep up with my school work from home, but our wifi has issues right now. Hopefully i’ll be back by the end of the week. 


 I wasn’t at school today. Most of my family is sick so i’m stuck at home. I see what they’ve posted in class and i asked my friend with help for the work i’ve missed. Surprisingly this time around the sickness has really affected me. 


 My post didn’t post yesterday so i’m redoing it. I was tired yesterday so i didn’t remember most of the class. We took some more notes and revisited MLKs speech. I don’t recall anything much besides the fact we did some excersizes  and prepared for our quiz. We also did a mini project the one i was assigned was Litotes i Did pretty well it was “ School isnt A waste” which implied that it was useful. The other members had hupophora and antithesis i think. 


 Today we took a test. We revisited the topics we did like simile and learned a new one. I remember what it was so i’m not bothered about it. I forgot my chromebook today and it was an inconvenience but i still made it throughout the day. Today was a 8/10 day although i can’t remember if i did my blog yesterday 


 Today we continued our notes and made different observations about MLKs speech. Classes are more entertaining than they were before i feel more engaged that I typically am. We pointed out different theyoruxal devices in his speech and discussed more about it. It wasn’t a bad day, better than yesterday i was just sleepy. 


 Today we learned about other kinds of Rhetorical things. We did an activity where we were given a topic and we made a question from the said topic. As well as doing some examples we continued our notes on Rhetorical Questions and Procatalepsis. Once again I have a pretty good hold on all my classes however im lacking in the sleep department once again. 


 Today we learned about different types of rhetoric.  it had to do with Hyphophora, antithesis, litotes, understatement and hyperboles. I knew about hyperboles before hand and the others were easy to grasp. The rest of my classes were new to me because we started a new semester. Overall the start of the semester was alright I do prefer virtual though.