
Showing posts from April, 2022


 In first period, since it’s amnesty week i did work i missed. Most of the work I missed is kahoot and we talked about the notes we were taking that has to do with cleanliness around infants. I’m anxious now because I have two ap tests that are quite impactful when it comes to college and I haven’t really been keeping up and could potentially have wasted time for no reason. I’m honestly ready to be over with AP classes. In second period nothing was done because we skipped it because of tests happening. We went to third and did the regular things we normally would do. In fourth we went over the regular prompt things and I had to take some men to Dr. Haigs class. 


 Today wasn’t a bad day. I woke up late because I slept in and I missed the bus. I arrived to school a little  towards the middle of third period and I was feeling good. In Fourth I was really tired and that’s not new but i was tired to the point where I was feeling asleep mid sentence. The end of the day wasn’t the best but I mean at this point I don’t care. 


 I think I need to work on reading through the question. Yesterday because I was rushed I felt like I couldn’t like grasp the whole lesson so I became and felt pressured and lost interest not going to lie. I felt like going through it slowly then like doing it with an actual timer would’ve been better. I don’t mind going with the teachers flow but i think that slow and steady wins the race practice wise. My day was horrific it could’ve ended worse but whatever. 


 Im first period we didn’t do anything because our teacher wasn’t here and then we went to ms. stroziers room. In second period we did a project that i have to decorate when we get home out of school. In third i did a lot of work, for me anyway. In fourth we did a thing where we andwrrwd some questions as a class. Today was alright. 


First period thee was nothing much going on we made up lyrics to a song about germs and cleaning. In second period we revisited median, mean, mode and range. In third period we did some notes but I had to take a test that I missed. Fourth period we took a test on a poem that we analyzed and I failed miserably.