
Showing posts from September, 2021


 Today we learned about definitions etc. We talked a lot about images and how to analyze as long as the real meaning of analyze. Today wasn’t too bad I still felt weird being out in school. I was sick for most of the week so today wasn’t bad. Overall we went over definitions, images and analyzed free response questions on a packet.  


 I felt a Funeral in my Brain was the poem we read today and it brought up memories i didn’t want to think about. Today was a regular day I was happy for most of it until right after lunch, don’t even know why. Besides that we broke down the meaning of the poem which was kind of depressing not going to lie. I felt like i was relapsing. Anyways have a good night blog!


 We took a test today. There isn’t much too it although we had 40 minutes to write an argumentative essay about freedom and safety. I added a lot of last minute things to it but I know I did a good job. The little planning i did on my paper was pretty good and helpful. In the future I’ll probably take my tests on paper though computers fatigue me. 


  today we talked about 2 other poems. The names were I’m nobody who are you and the other it Heart we will forget him. They were both relatable which made it more interesting than normal excerpts. It made me remember the times when I was in 8th grade and thought i was in love 3 times a week. Today was a weird day.  



 We read about a poem by Robert Frost. It was okay class wasn't much today had a discussion between the differences of Literal and Figurative. Our teacher showed us some pretty places he went to, it reminded me of a fantasy life and the moments that are in movies. Me and my friend laughed at some childish things but hey whatever keeps me going.We answered some questions about the poem and finished the day off.


 We talked about a poem named Birch by Robert Frost. It was avoid discussion we broke down the different parts of the poem and fulfilled our objective. Aside from this class my day went well. I constantly forget my blog but my aura that i gave off was pretty good today. Overall the day was 9/10. 


 Today my classmates finished their tests. I didn’t do much considering i finished it yesterday just scrolled through my phone and talked to my friends it was a pretty easy period although that test was racking my brain. The day overall was great i was really tired so I passed out once i got home. 


 We took tests today and yesterday. There isn’t much to go off of I spent majority of the period on question 18 because there was a screw-up with mis-information I thought i heard the teacher say to pause it a long time ago but i’m confident I would’ve  been done before the slotted time. Oh and yesterday was my birthday. 


 Today was a day to practice our skills in writing. We did our format, body and discussion of how to write our essay. Although we only did one paragraph it was still nerve wrecking it made me feel like I was writing the exam. The discussion was good I understood a lot more today that i did yesterday and I feel confident on my paragraph although it seems like I went In a different direction that I was supposed to. In all today was a good day aside from someone trying to add their negative energy during lunch lol. 😂Bon weekend!


 Today we learned about the thesis statement. We learned about 3 thesis statement which can be used for 5 paragraph essays and umbrella thesis statement. I entered an umbrella in my computer and it was so cute besides that we did examples like " A high school student can be successful with dedication by using resources like the internet, learning how to budget and getting their priorities straight.". I had a pretty good day I realized that my pants got really dirty and that ruined my mood. In conclusion it I learned a bit and struggles on my test is apush lol.