
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Today has been a pretty chill day. We talked about how teachers and students do homework as in if teachers should offer make-up work or just give them an F for missing work. We learned about different claims; claims of policy, claims of value and claim of fact. I understood it pretty well and i also started typing my notes, I find it more effective as well although I will most likely go back to writing I was just tired today, I also don't type my notes because there could always be technical difficulties. My day overall was pretty good I didn't have much sleep though so I got drowsy I was just frustrated, hopefully tomorrow is a better day.


 We learned about the different part of a Paragraph. There’s the claim, evidence 1&2, commentary and conclusion. The conversations we had revolved around if cghs should go to mandatory school uniforms as well as breaking down Buy Nothing Day. My reasonings and best arguments would've came out if I chose yes so I did. Overall my day was filled with tests but i had average of A’s on B’s on all I’m not content I could’ve done better but it’s better than failing entirely I suppose. 
 Today we learned about the Rhetoric of Place. We learned that it's used to announce major policy, what it symbolizes, authority and power, leadership etc.We also used a prompt about how to improve the healthcare of African American citizens and how Grady hospital takes the most care of our community. My day overall wasn't that bad I enjoyed our conversations about significant places and how other people had significant experiences in their lives. It's surprising seeing these different parts of English and how they are applied more to our lives than we know.


 Today we learned about Crisis Rhetoric. As far as I can remember there are five different parts, Urgency, Crisis as reality, Dramatic characters, Policy Morality and Rhetorical Generative. I haven’t quite got the gist of it but that’s mostly on my behalf. Today was a really rough day and i’m working on my assignment for tomorrow right now it’s about Mr.Kennedy’s Inauguration speech which i’m actually pretty excited to write about. Have a good night ! 


 Today we learned about rhetorical situations. There’s different components to it and can be applied to many situations but specifically we applied it to arguments. Aside from that we watched a video of Georgia’s mayor talked about rioting after George Floyd’s death. We applied rhetoric to the video and dissected it. I didn’t really like this topic as J couldn’t ask the specific questions I wanted. Lastly we signed up for AP classroom however I couldn’t do it because of wifi issues. Have a good day blog ! 


 Today I had my presentation on Langston Hughes poem “ “dream”. I had a lot of fun, I was assigned the job of the illustrator and I did a sketch of wings on a string that are connected to a key. The story behind it was that the wings were separated but still together, separated wings with the body not in sight to signify the separation the line was a just a dupe took of struggles that stayed with him and the key was his dreams that he held onto.  I had a lot of fun today though we got our chromebooks and another group presented. After school I went to the park and now i’m preparing for my chemistry tests. Bye !


 Today we learned about Poetry. Specifically about the different steps it takes to understand poetry, we read about a poem that was called The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes. It was a good poem I didn’t understand the  complete meaning of it until Mr. Rease explained it. I think that I’ve gotten a pretty good understanding of what it takes to understand a poem. Today was an iffy day I was supposed to stay home but I had tests I’m hoping I can finish if so I get a break. 


 Today we learned about formal and informal essays. A story called “The House” it was really interesting the story contained things about two boy’s ego skipped school to go to one of their house’s. Essays have a lot more structure than I thought like setting the tone, different words you should and shouldn’t use. It wasn’t an interesting day I have two tests tomorrow it’s the second week I think i’ll do fairly well. Have a good evening blog stay hydrated :) !


 Today was an ok day. Like others we did some practice work on complex texts i’m not going to get into not important at the moment. Class was fun, I do feel some things were overlooked but hey what can you do 🙄. The text that we read was trés confusing we went over it and i got it nevertheless though. Ap is turning out so far to be a pretty easy-going class i hope i keep the mindset through the year!


Today wasn’t a bad day. Fourth period was fun contrary to our teacher’s perspective we had friendly banter and we took a diagnostic; to see where our standpoint is at the moment. I liked that we got to mark our own tests although it took so long I don’t like that, it could’ve been faster i’m just not the type of person that likes discussions. The class so far isn’t bad the repetitions of certain topics get to me i’ve done this before  so I don’t feel like I should be here it’s boring and draining. There isn’t much to talk about other than we took a diagnostic and discussed it after the test he went over some rules with us I guess he was frustrated 🕺🏼. 

Who are you ?

Hi, My name is Thalia, you can just refer to me as tiny. As of right now I am fifteen but I’m a virgo which means my birthday is pretty soon :). I’m an intj that’s from Guyana i won’t say where I reside as of right now that would be a breach of my privacy for many reasons, besides that I enjoy a lot of things art in most forms; drawing, painting, sewing, makeup and I also enjoy cooking, cleaning, baking when i’m not forced as well as journaling and staying active. That’s as much as I’d like to share for now. Have a good day !