

 Today wasn’t too bad of a day, in the morning I was stressed though because of my Ap exam. It wasn’t too bad it lasted 4 hours and I expected longer. I had lunch and it was really good today, we had a new kind of pizza and it was yum. I spent the afternoon with my bf and it wasn’t that shabby of a day. I however wish i didn’t take this class( AP us history) 


 Today was an interesting day. It was the day for the AP statistics test and our bell was off. It was nice to be back and I didn’t feel as sick during the day. First and second period weren’t too bad, as a whole it was pretty lax I got work done in second period for my project and in third I finished the test I missed. In fourth period I went to one of my old teacher’s class and chilled out a bit. 


 Today wasn’t any better than yesterday. I was chewing on halls all night and all day. I got work done though, I CLEANED MY ROOM. i’m sorry if i’m making it a big deal but it was honestly the best now i don’t have all the trash and  clutter around me and I got work done finally. Pretty bad first 3/4 of the day but I got a lot of stuff done nearing the end. 


 I’ve had a rough day at this point. Eid was good but I got better. Until it came to the end of the night and then I was as sick as can be. All night I was chewing on halls and in the morning I felt terrible. It wasn’t as if I even wanted to stay home at this point I just wanted it to be over. 


 It was a reallyyyy long day. There was my religious holiday so I had things to do. I woke up UNBELIEVABLY sick and actually i didn’t even sleep i had caught a fever and a bad sore throat. We went to the park to pray and then we went to Ihop. After that we got some icecream from Dairy Queen i got the one with the strawberry drizzled. It was a lot of fun we were supposed to go somewhere else but my sister got sick. 


 In first period, since it’s amnesty week i did work i missed. Most of the work I missed is kahoot and we talked about the notes we were taking that has to do with cleanliness around infants. I’m anxious now because I have two ap tests that are quite impactful when it comes to college and I haven’t really been keeping up and could potentially have wasted time for no reason. I’m honestly ready to be over with AP classes. In second period nothing was done because we skipped it because of tests happening. We went to third and did the regular things we normally would do. In fourth we went over the regular prompt things and I had to take some men to Dr. Haigs class. 


 Today wasn’t a bad day. I woke up late because I slept in and I missed the bus. I arrived to school a little  towards the middle of third period and I was feeling good. In Fourth I was really tired and that’s not new but i was tired to the point where I was feeling asleep mid sentence. The end of the day wasn’t the best but I mean at this point I don’t care.